Book Festivals

Book Festivals and Book Expos:

What to do here? Most self-publishers encourage you to join Book Expos and Book Exhibits for a chance to meed Traditional Publisher Agents, Rights Buyers Translators, Producers and Book Buyers(bookstore). Most authors pay for thousands of dollars just to get this exposure.

Truth is literary agents, traditional publishers, translators and bookstore book buyers are not there to find self-published books. Most of these people are already booked for the duration of the book exhibits so there really is no time for accidental finds. Most publishers that will approach you during these events are self-publishers.

In self-publishing, book fairs would benefit self-publishers more than the authors since it is a gathering and networking of retailers and service providers. Most self-pubbers also try to pitch and get new authors during these events.

But we can't really tell, right? If you are really interested in joining or attending, compare prices. Check the exhibit website for rates, schedules, and programs that might interest you.

Don't be fooled when they say that it is better for an independent author to be associated with a respected publisher like them than to join on your own because people don't really know you, Do not fall for the you-are-not-a-famous-author-so-you-need-us-crap. Most traditional publishers, agents, producers don't really care what self-pubber you published with. It is your work and your name so you can always get your own space on these events for your exposure.

If you have book exhibit stories to share please comment or send me an email. I would very much want to publish it here to help other authors.

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